Jurassic City - MegArena

Inspired by the futuristic light-cycle arenas in TRON: Legacy

Welcome to the year 2169. It is a deceptive, seemingly innocent dystopia, ruled by the iron fist that is the Federation of the Ferrus Falcon. Prehistoric animals such as dinosaurs have been brought back from the grave to serve the federation- mostly for commercial use, but for a more sinister purpose. At the center of it all is Denver, Colorado. Known for its history in Paleontology, it is now generally known as Jurassic City.
One of the biggest tourist attractions in Jurassic City is the grim "Mega-Arena Dynamus," or "MegArena." It used to be called Coors baseball field, but very few come in to see the Rockies swing bats and run around plates anymore. Something more frightening happens here more often, around the year. Something that is so bloody and violent that only people seventeen and up are allowed in to see it. It is the....

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