Happy Earth Day!

Ah, Earth Day! One where we come together to see the world in its natural beauty. As we look out on our world, one cannot help but feel a special connection to it, like we were always a part of it. How can we show our part? By learning more about it, trying to take care of it to show our future generations. As a full moon rises over this day, (something that only occurs once ever thirty-three years) we should remember that "Earth" encompasses more than the trees and animals, but our fellow man as well. It should be a day of communion, and a day of striving to do better...
...and I completely forgot about it until the last second, so all I have to show for it is a picture of a dinosaur I drew on Monday.

It's a fluffy Pachycephalosaurus.
His name is Calvin.
Happy Earth Day, everybody!

Rendered in Photoshop


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