Happy Halloween- 2015!!!

Another year, another Creature Cabal, another list of monsters that can either haunt your nightmares or haunt your YouTube account! Here is a complete list of all the Monsters created this year. Be sure to vote by midnight, Mountain Standard Time to see your favorite put to film.

On a few related notes, I apologize if this year was a bit more sparse than previous years. I mentioned in a post back in February about how my schedule would be locked up and I'd have less time to work on projects. Unfortunately, it leads to situations like this as well as the fact that we're running a lot farther behind schedule on "Bogeyman" than we previously thought. That will be coming out not this week, but more likely the next week. You can rest assured, though, that we ARE working on it as hard as we can in our restraints.
Thank you all for your time, patience, and loyalty as a fanbase. We look forward to when all the projects we have planned will be open to the public and can only promise more!
Stay Tuned!


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