Cryachnis- the Glacial Snare

Submission for the 2015 Creature Cabal.

The slopes of the Himalayas have seen their fair share of death. Thousands of people have tried to climb to the tops of their highest peaks, and few have been there. The rest either turned back or died thanks to the harsh conditions- the sheer drops, sudden landslides, oxygen deprivation, or simply the bitter cold. Bodies are strewn all over the mountains, some of which are still alive and breathing, but eternally paralyzed, frozen alive.
At least, that's what the global population knows. After one particular expedition to the top of K12 in 1989, a lone survivor was seen stumbling to the base. The Indian government has classified all reports on the topic, but those who were there at the time say that he was delirious, trying to warn the people of a mysterious blue glow, and spindle-like arms dragging people into the darkest caves. Several more expeditions have been up to the top and in all manner of caves, but no similar sightings have been reported.

On a completely unrelated note, Happy Lief Erikson Day!

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