PEARL Handheld Disc Launcher

No, I haven't played "Tribes" in a long time, but I really should get back into it.
The way I figured, the future is going to get pretty dangerous, what with all the aliens, zombies, cyborgs, sandworms, and dinosaurs trying to kill us all. We're going to need better weapons. They'll need to be light, efficient, and easy to use and reload. Frankly, the gun I use the easiest is my handy toy disc launcher. So, here is a weaponized version of that.
The most commonly requested model is the PEARL, (Personalized, Extra-Attainable Rail Launcher) mainly for how easy it is to handle. It weighs in at only six pounds and is entirely electric- it can take standard G-cell batteries. Standard 8" discs from any brand can be used and, depending on the manufacturer, can be fired at 300 yards per second. It's also very modifiable; different firing racks, electromagnets, and discs can be added whenever they are necessary.
Listed Price: 255.60k
Patented 3032 by the Federation of the Ferrous Falcon

Rendered In Photoshop


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