The Gargan Nagag

Submission for the 2016 Creature Cabal
In the eastern lowlands, many travellers have told of a fierce beast; a serpentine monster, but unlike any viper or python known in the area. Titanic in size, some even told of massive arms, pulling the monster forward and crushing and goring those unlucky enough to cross its path. For centuries, these were regarded as legends, gods even, but dismissed by any serious biologist as mere fantasy.
And so it was until the first one was recently documented.
While the observer was rushed and frightened, there were a few unique features that he made certain to point out. First, the tusks are disproportionately large for an animal of this magnitude, implying not a fully carnivorous diet, but rather browsing and rutting for roots. He also made a comment on the limbs- the ones in front are very well-developed, but the four vestigial claws on its belly hints that its ancestors originally had more. Opinions vary on why the arms were retained, but some theorise that they are used to pry large trees apart to find the nutrient-rich foliage in between.
Of course, the question remains; is it dangerous?
The interloper said the answer was with his three dead companions, all brutally mauled by this great serpent...

Rendered in Ink
(P.S., I thought it may be easier to keep a consistent schedule if I forewent all the editing and just uploaded the raw image when I had to.)


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