Creature Cabal 2016 - Inktober Edition

Wow, this one turned out a lot more Tim-Burton-esque than I thought it would.
Anyways, welcome back to our Creature Cabal Selection, the place where nightmares come true! As always, a drawing and a description of your own creative monster can be submitted for display through our email account. The one decided by the community to be the scariest, coolest, or most creative by the end of the month will join the Cabal and have their own short film made of them!
Now, the winners over the last few years have gotten a bit backed up, but that's mostly due to my over-ambition and lack of ability to plan them out properly. For now, all I can promise is that the winner this year will come eventually.
Next on the agenda, this year, I'm trying something different for my personal submissions- I'll be trying out using daily ink drawings instead of the more-sparse-yet-longer-to-produce digital paintings. Hopefully, by the end of it, I'll have more creative monsters and a more developed artistic style- something I can hardly afford not to practice.

Rendered in Ink, edited in Photoshop


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