Vulcan's Forge - Part 3

The carnivore struck true. The beast lands on the herbivore's back and uses the best of his strength to wound the animal. He bites down and, with a terrific crunch, tears out a chunk of Vulcanodon's skin, scattering his fragile teeth in the process. It wasn't much damage, but the combined pressure of drought, fear, shock, and blood loss takes its toll on the prey's weak mind. He is quickly felled, tossing the assailant off to his side.
In any other situation, the ritual would be simple. The striker would recover to his feet and claim his prize. The body would feed him for days until it either decayed or emptied.
This isn't any other situation, though. This is a crisis.
Unbeknownst to the carnivore, his flight sent him over the edge of a gully filled to the edge of volcanic runoff. No evidence of this story's instigator remains now, save a few shards of teeth. Ironically, the only true survivor of this ordeal is the prey. As a coming sandstorm covers and preserves his body, this lone sauropod will be one of the few in all of prehistory to survive in the prehistoric record. Without this event, we may never have known about the drama that took place here...
...and we may not have this lousy illustration to go with it.

Rendered in Photoshop


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