Common Dromaeosaurid Size Chart

Oddly enough, in the middle of the Easter Weekend, I ended up coming up with this little piece about the more terrifying dinosaur classification. The family dromaeosauridae housed some of the most bizarre and most deadly predators ever to have lived. For some reason, I decided to make them all cute by portraying them realistically with proper feather placement. If you're wondering about the bases, I originally started with the female. She was supposed to be a five-foot man, but he was too short and had too feminine proportions, so I re-worked him into a her and made a new male model.
Besides that, artists are completely perfect.

From left to right:

Microraptor- 1ft at hip, found in Early Cretaceous China and Mongolia, known for extreme plumage and ability to glide on forearms and hindlimbs.

Velociraptor- 2ft at hip, found in Late Cretaceous Mongolia, known for speed used to prey on Protoceratops

Deinonychus- 4ft at hip, found in Mid Cretaceous United States, known for being one of the earliest-discovered bird-like dinosaurs

Utahraptor- 6ft at hip, found in Mid Cretaceous United States, known for immense size. Only after drawing this do I realize how big it really is.

Rahonavis- 0.5ft at hip, found in Late Cretaceous Madagascar, known for extremely bird-like features. It is uncertain if this is a true member of the dromaeosaurids or closer to the birds.

Rendered in Pencil, Colored in Photoshop


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