the Watcher

I checked back in after my last post, and I'm glad to say we're finally getting results! The poll will still remain open through next Monday, but it's nice to see that time can still be made for a random little blog in the middle of nowhere.
In the mean time, here's a little something I came up with before the end of last month, but never got around to posting since it was so close to the end. I also figured that it would throw a bit of controversy onto this site because of the way it's framed. I swear, I'm a Christian, and no religious symbolism is intended or implied here.
If you're actually interested, I got the idea from a dream I had. As you can see here, some massive space-demon is making quite an entrance. I figured that it would be a life-changing event if this ever happened. Everything we ever knew about the universe would be up for argument. It was only inviting us to explore more about what it meant.
And it wasn't going to be the last of it...

Rendered in Photoshop


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