Final Crescent

I seem to get all of the good ideas for Creature Cabal after Creature Cabal each year.
Take, for example, the Final Crescent.
A denizen of the World Broken, the beast is one of the largest on the planet at an astonishing 500 feet long and 250 tons. As its tusks would suggest, it is a browsing herbivore, (Face it, it couldn't graze too well at that height.) albeit a very aggressive one. Its poor eyesight is further dragged down by the response time between the optic nerves and the brain- an image would take about ten seconds to make the transition. It wouldn't need to use it on a regular basis, since most carnivores are too small to be much of a threat, and rutting is almost as simple as a head motion can get. However, it becomes a serious problem during mating season. While there are only a handful that can be sustained in the wild, they become fiercely territorial, rampaging at the first sight of an unfamiliarity. This has made them extremely difficult to maintain- most starve to death a few years after reaching adulthood. None have been tamed so far.

Rendered in Photohsop


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