Orpheus Mission - Wasp Shark


A recent expedition to the bottom of the Mariana Trench has come across an entirely new ecosystem. Via wireless transmission, the three-man team on the submersible "Orpheus" sent photos and videos of hundreds of previously undiscovered species, many of which based on completely different laws of biology.
"It all felt like an alien planet down there," recorded oceanographer Professor April Henson, PhD, one of the three on the submersible team. "Most of the animals down here, I don't think they've shared a common ancestor with anything else since the Cambrian."
They're most recent image showed something truly bizarre: it has the overall streamlined shape of a shark, but mandibles reminiscent of some sort of crustacean, and its tail fin seems to have developed hundreds of hair-like fibers. The lights across its belly and gills seem to be mainly for display, although it clearly doesn't have any visible eyes. So little is known about anything down here.
Unfortunately, shortly after the picture was taken, communications were lost with the "Orpheus". The crew on the submersible's launch boat had been keeping steady radio contact up until that point. While they were only had enough oxygen to last four hours, their signal was lost at noon, an hour into the mission. More updates will be posted as soon as they come.

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