Creature Cabal- Poll Extension

Hey, audience! Have fun last night?
Unfortunately, the polls here at Th'Den Wheja didn't receive enough conclusive answers for a decisive winner, so we'll have to extend it until the end of this week. Remember, you can send your vote to us via email, comment, or sidebar application. We look forward to the results!
On the other hand, this gives us a perfect opportunity to send in some last-minute submissions. For example...

Wheja's Sketchbook no. 4- the C-97 Sheelark

Submission for 2013 Creature Cabal.
Caecognathus mononychus
A close relative of the C-97 Alloraptor, it is smaller in size- only the size of an eagle. Don't let its size fool you, though. It is often found in swarms of thousands on the planet's vast, open plains. It has no sense of sight or smell, but it can hear a pin drop from miles away, and, like Alloraptor, has a skull riddled with electromagnetic sensors. Its two hind legs have evolved into a single, five-toed limb which it uses to wrangle larger prey. Given the size of the prey on C-97, it rarely goes hungry.

Drawn in pencil and pen


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