Wheja's Sketchbook no. 2- Wildedrake

Entry for the 2013 Creature cabal
This beast was a bit of a fluke compared to normal CC entries because this one only came to me in the middle of my class at school. I remembered thinking about how striking the silhouette of an African wildebeest is. It might have been the beard, but I think manes are a bit disturbing. It falls right into that uncanny valley- it's trying to be a horse, but it's not...
ANYWAYS. After I got that outline down, I decided to give it a bit of an alien touch. Hence the dragon wings.
Back-story time!
A beast that dwells in the heart of the plain, the Wildedrake knows no predator. Its few numbers mean that it can take up immense territories, and they defend those lands with their lives. Their poor eyes and ears mean that they can't determine moving objects from another, forcing them to rely on their keen sense of smell. They can locate rivals from miles away.
Despite these appearances, the wildedrake is, in fact, a very aggressive herbivore. They simply wish to be left alone to enjoy their meals. However, due to their immense size, they run out of food in their territories infrequently. This would explain why they're so aggressive to outsiders; they need the food for themselves as well. This has led to countless shows of force- braying that can be heard from miles, winds from their wings that can level forests, and head-ramming contests that can shatter stone.
Lo! what a creature dwells on the plains!

Drawn in pencil and pen.


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