the Crimson Whisper

For the 2013 Creature Cabal.
Those lost in the swamps better beware. In the dark, the fumes can cause nausea, disorientation, rambling dementia, and, in extreme cases, hallucinations.
One undocumented case in the Everglades in 1973 told of a strange case. He had entered the woods with a friend to scavenge for herbs. (they WERE hippies, after all.) Only one returned, telling of a mass of swarming red lights. Reportedly, they distracted his friend from the true path. When he was deep in the forest, there was a blood-curdling scream. Seconds later, the lights carried parts of his body into the depths, feasting as they went.
This case was only known to a handful of people, most of which were more concerned with getting him some rest than finding his friend. They brought him to their cabin and let him sleep. That night, however, reports in the area talked of bright, red flecks of light gathering around the house. The next day, the guest's bed was empty...
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