High Valley

Here is a valley that is NOT based off of a real valley.
I was paying attention to Disney's "Dinosaur", Universal's "Jurassic Park III", and Capcom's "Monster Hunter Tri" cinematic sequences. If you notice, they all have MASSIVELY grand-scale opening sequences that show an animal flying in to a large field. In the fields are huge herds of hundreds of animals. I was watching those scenes and realized that it would be awesome to be one of the people who worked on a shot like that. So, I made this valley.
Unfortunately, I rushed into it and had some uncertainty on what to put in it. So, I'll leave the choice to you. What should be flying into this shot? What should be in the valley below? Dinosaurs? Dragons? Something else? Please leave a comment below if you have a request.
Rendered in Photoshop.


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