the Lost Wars

For centuries, there has been a war between the two most powerful races on Earth for power. The Translators- who can create, manipulate, and destroy matter- try to maintain balance, peace, and prosperity. The Sorcerers, on the other hand, can manipulate, create, and destroy energy, and are always on a quest to expand their powers. For the longest time, the two were actually rather peaceful, coexisting side-by-side with no true anxiety.
That was, until the sorcerers tried to harness the power of a certain volcano. Mount Vesuvius erupted as a direct result of this, and the translators were left alone to rescue few, if any, people from the nearby towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum. It was a disaster, and it was decided the sorcerers had gone to far. In a battle forever known as the battle of the West, (which, according to Translator legend, formed the many geysers at Yellowstone Crater) a war was started over who would eventually eliminate the other. Even today, the victors are uncertain...

In case you are wondering, this is the same translator from yet another dream I had, outfit and all.
Rendered in Photoshop.


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