the Balrog at Kazad-Dum

For all of you non-"Lord of the Rings" fans out there, this is probably the coolest part in all of the series. It's also the one where we get those immortal lines: "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"
The story so far, a fellowship is planning on taking a long trek across the world to a gigantic volcano of doom to destroy an all-powerful ring that holds the will of the dark lord of Middle Earth. On their quest, they try to take a shortcut through the less-conspicuous mines of Moria. Little do they know that, after a few days undergound, they are soon pursued by orcs, goblins, trolls, more orcs, and........ the Balrog. The book itself gives some details on its traits: it's big, it's sinister, it has a lion's heads, horns, and the ability to fly, and it can control both shadow and flame.
Now, with all of this following them, the only way out is across a narrow bridge over a seemingly bottomless pit. While everyone else bolts across for their lives, Gandalf (the wizard and the most powerful member of the group) stays behind to hold off the one-man show of death.
For the sake of those who haven't seen the movies or read the books, I shall go no further.
Rendered in Photoshop, inspired by "the Fellowship of the Ring" by J.R.R. Tolkien.


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