Dinosaur Hunter

I don't really know... I think this might actually be a continuation of the E-volution set.
The mindstorm for this piece came to me after I visited the museum. I was thinking of all of the dinosaurs that I had seen, all of the representations that had been done in the movies... how extremely undone they were. No matter how many times I looked at them, they all seemed too limited. For example, Jurassic Park III holds the record for the first on-screen appearance of a Spinosaurus. It was supposed to be much larger and yet lighter than T. rex. So, why was it shown as a big, hulking mass that was only limited to two dimensions? It only killed two people in the entire movie, and got stuck in a tree. Why couldn't something that bizarre be much more dynamic than it had to be? I know that it fed on fish and all, but giant, plant-eating sauropods lived in the same area- so that could have been a rare treat for the juveniles at least.
And so, with all scientific purposes in mind, here is a six ton animal jumping fifteen feet into the air being shot at by a man on the ground with a machine gun. I guess that the man on the ground is a mercenary, hired by a nearby remnant town to eliminate the threat.
Rendered in Photoshop, Color scheme for spinosaur from a dream I had.


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