Happy Birthday, Charles Darwin!

Well, it's something that required a reference to paint, but it's something I can post on here for you guys!
Today marks the 211th birthday of legendary naturalist Charles Darwin. We may know him as the father of biology, the author of theories that still hold ground today (with some minor modifications, of course), but it all started with him being a man who didn't accept his boundaries. Studying to be a pastor in his early years, he was restless, unhappy with the concept that nature was always beyond his mind. It makes sense, then, that his work would cement humanity as a part of the ecosystem, kindred to all living things and keystone to the Earth's health. This will always be an important part of his legacy, but we should never forget his honesty, inquisition, and passion to follow the truth wherever it leads.

Rendered in Photoshop
Commission Value: $22.50 (Bust $30 x Sketch $x0.5 x Shaded $x1.5)
Reference Photo
 (Julia Margaret Cameron) Charles Darwin in 1869.


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