Happy Holidays!- 2016

Hello again! How was everybody's Thanksgiving?
Here we are, preparing for yet another holiday season; the fifth in Th'Den Wheja's brief history on the internet. It may seem odd, with as much going on in the world as there is, It's easy to get caught up in all the bigger things in life when we let our minds wander- politics, industry, mine drifts towards the mechanics of the universe. (How did you know?) The upcoming holidays are not for that. When we leave this month, there will still be war, ignorance, and chaos. If it could fix that, we wouldn't have it every year. This time is so we can find not the largest perspective, but the right perspective. It brings us all down to true reality, and back to the important things in life. It's something that matters to all of us, regardless of our pasts, ambitions, religions, and philosophies; something inherently human that can't be taken away.
I'm sure you have seen enough Holiday specials to tell where this is going. I'll just leave this here then.
So, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Merry Kwanza, and what have you this year! It's good to be alive!

Rendered in Blender, Edited in Photoshop


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