
Here's to spending the last half-hour of 2016 on a high note, and may we never get a year as negatively charged as this one!
As many terrible events that happened this year, it's more worthwhile to remember all of the good that happened as well. This was the year physicists at LIGO finally discovered gravity waves, bringing us one step closer to understanding the quantum universe. This year includes both a leap-day and a leap-second, making it the longest year of the century in both the figurative and literal sense.
Uh, Marvel released "Civil War" into theaters?
Okay, 2016 was the worst, but let's forget about that now. This next year, let's all take a step back and a deep breath. Let's make 2017 the year of creativity, innovation, discovery, and happiness that 2016 wasn't.
Before I get too heavy-handed, I'd also like to point out that this post marks our FIVE-HUNDREDTH on this site. We've come a long way from a teenager posting what he thought would be fun those five years ago. Now, we have over one-hundred-thousand views, several movies, games, a college education, and, most importantly now, a purpose. Thank you all for a great five-and-a-half years! Thanks for all of the support for the great things we did, and putting up with the disappointments we have. Let's keep the idea with us that we can be more than we were before and that we can discover and set foot on anything we can think of.

Rendered in Photoshop


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