The Good Dinosaur- Fan Art

Fan art again!? NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Well, this one is a bit more explainable than my last few. For instance, it's for another DeviantArt contest, and it's for an upcoming movie I'm actually excited for- Disney and Pixar's "The Good Dinosaur"
You can tell because I'd probably never draw a sauropod dinosaur like that by my own free will.
Now, I imagine it's not going to win anything. After all, there are plenty of other pieces that a) put a lot more detail into their work, and b) actually got the proportions of Arlo and Spot correctly. I'll just say that I'm rooting for them. I still had a lot of fun making this, and whoever wins wins.
Let's hope that this is going to be a better dinosaur movie than anything else we've gotten recently.

Rendered in Photoshop


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