Maastricht + Status Update (Viewer Discretion Advised)

Now, you may notice something different about this piece that makes it stand out from ones I've previously released- namely that it's morbidly violent on a site that tries to maintain a level of family-friendliness.
Well, this is part of a solution to this sort of slump I've been going through over the last few months. Especially in October, I've been trying to limit my pieces to subjects that are wholesome, uplifting, and- in the case of October- son-saurian monsters. It was a decent exercise in focus, for sure, but I'm afraid I overstretched it a bit. By restricting myself like that and trying to hard to limit my mindset, I stopped a vital circulation and catharsis of ideas that would lead to more varied pieces of work, and it certainly seems to have impacted my viewings as a result. I am sorry for the hold-up, and I will try to do better over the next few weeks.
Now, on a note for the Bogeyman short film: this stalemate has impacted production on that as well. Mind you, it's a one-man team doing everything over here, and although I am trying to make it the longest and most complex animation to date, it's just ground to a halt because of the way I've been approaching it. I will be trying to get a few other projects out of the way before I finish this film. It will still be coming out, and it hopefully will be doing so by the time 2016 rolls around, but it's going to be FAR later than this coming Friday. It's a shame, but I do want it perfect for my audience.
Plus, I suppose that even if I wanted to focus entirely on more conventional monsters, I'll always be a paleo-nut at heart. :)
Thank you for your interest and patience!

Rendered in Photoshop


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