Last Night- LUDUM DARE 31

Caution: Some content below may be deemed dark or disturbing for our younger viewers.

I finally seem to have made something that will work for a game challenge! This month's theme was "the Entire Game on One Screen." Naturally, I had to take that to its most terrifying extreme.
The full game can be downloaded here.
The premise is that you (the player) are trying to spend the night in a bunker with a handful of other people. Be careful about how much you sleep, though. Too little, and you'll slowly loose your mind. too much and... let's just say that the 'bump' in the night may be the last thing you hear.

Are you having nightmares yet?

On the other hand, happy Christmas season!

Programmed in Clickteam Fusion 2.0, Images rendered in Photoshop, All graphics and sounds made by me in a 48-hour period.


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