Primal Showdown- Allosaurus vs. Stegosaurus

Back to our Allosaurus, this time with action and IMAX ratios.
Inspired by the famous "Prehistoric Journey" exhibit in the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, and using the same "Qu'rall" model from a few weeks ago, this may be one of the most iconic scenes of prehistory. A lone, bull Stegosaurus is wandering alone. The light fades as the sun sets, hindering his already poor senses. As the world cools, he can no longer use his back plates to regulate his body temperature. He is getting colder, slower, and dangerously close to the most advanced predator of the Jurassic.
From the underbrush leaps a 35-foot, two-ton female Allosaurus. She was busy nesting the past few months and hasn't eaten since she laid her brood. Now that they have hatched, everyone is hungry. This muscular bull Stegosaurus has now unwittingly made himself the victim of an unrelenting mother. Ambushed, there is nowhere to run and no place to hide. All that can happen now is a fight to the death.

So, who do you think should win? Tell us in the Comments Section below, and a sequel of sorts can be made.
Rendered in Blender.


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