Jovian Skywhale: Animation Test

I should start by saying that this is the first time in ages that I have not posted for an entire calendar week. I do try to be more consistent, but this week was a little busy with college registrations, spring break, and some minor issues around the house. All of these were freak accidents and we will do our best to avoid these problems in the future.
In the meantime, we did find a solution to one of our other problems. As it turns out (and it should be pretty obvious at this point,) the best solution to getting these animations done is to get them started as soon as possible. While six months out may not be that extensive, the new computer is doing well with processing all of the information we need to get this thing off the ground. So, here we have a quick test of some of the technologies we hope to use in the final project, as well as some concept of the tone and setting we'll be using. The model now is just a stand-in, but we ARE working on finally living up to one of our promises.
More to come as Halloween and the Cabal draw closer...

Rendered in Blender 2.77


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