Allosaurus V. Ceratosaurus + Happy Thanksgiving!

First off, I forgot to make a piece for this, but Happy Fibonacci Day! (11/23. Maybe in 2058 this will mean something.)
Second, I know this one is a little late, but I've been working hard this week on plans to get back home for Thanksgiving. As of now, I'm posting this on the shuttle on the way to the airport. So, by the time you read this, I could be anywhere from Idaho to Utah to Colorado. The most I can do now is wish you all safe travels and fun times with your family. I, for one, am grateful to spend as much time with them as I do as well as for the opportunity for a formal education, even if I'm currently travelling away from it at seventy miles per hour.
Have an amazing weekend!

P.S. As you can probably infer from this picture, I'm pretty anxious to get back to Morrison Formation Territory.

Rendered in Graphite


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