Happy New Year! - 2016

Thus ends 2015, a year full of...
*checks Google*
... Let's see...
...Got it! While the landscape was a political mess this year, it's important to look at all the good that was accomplished. For instance, in the global community, space exploration became suddenly much more relevant again, with an overwhelming response to NASA's flyby of Pluto and their discovery of flowing water on Mars. The recent conferences in France also marked an effort to take better care of the world we live on. In entertainment, some of the highest grossing movies of all time (e.g. "Jurassic World" and " Star Wars VII") came into play, and creators like Ridley Scott and Pixar Studios returned to their formulas and came out with some of the best examples of their respective genres.
Unfortunatley, "Back to the Future"'s predicted date of October 21, 2015 came and went without a single hologram, hoverboard, or fax.
In more site-related zeitgeists, there may not have been much unique development, but you, our dedicated fanbase, stuck with us the whole way. Thank you to everyone out there for your support, and we can only promise more content in movies, art, and games as you help the site grow.
2015 was a rocky ride for sure, but now that it's past, let's make 2016 that much better!

Photo taken at Copper Mountain Ski Area, Manipulated in Photoshop


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