Happy New Year! - 2015

Whew! 2014 sure was a big year for Th'Den Wheja. It was the year of our first Live action short-film with, shall we say, varying degrees of success. It was the year of our first Ludum Dare entry with, if I as an artist may say so, ended up very well compared to how I expected it to go. Along with the revision of our schedule to allow for more critiques and expressions, we also now have an account on DeviantArt to allow our art to reach even more viewers!
A massive thank-you needs to go out to all of our fans out there, checking in regularly for what this rambling fool has to offer. I can only promise more in the future- more art, more short-films based on what you want, more games, more thoughts on major media events going on, and more variety in what we bring out.
Come on, fans! Let's show this mad world what we can do with what we've got!


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