Splinter- Exodus

This one is another one from last school year, but this summer has been such a time-crunch that I've had to do this much more than I would have hoped. Don't worry, I'll get away from the "Dino-Hunter" universe when I'm ready.
Anyways, we've got the end of the world during the age of Splinters. During all of that geological turmoil that followed, most of the population was essentially left homeless. The death toll was now in the billions, leaving the few left to face a new world of alien terrains, political chaos, and fifty-foot reptilian rage monsters.
That stinks for everyone, naturally.
This troop here is moving farther north away from the supposedly tropical-only prehistoric monsters.
Unfortunately for them, there's already a group here that learned that what they learned as kids don't really apply anymore.
Including the "fact" that dinosaurs were tropical creatures.

Rendered in pencil


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