Lost Chronicles- Tyrannosaurus

Herein the Lost Chronicles resides those lost amidst the winds of time, unknown to any alive, except to those who know where they are. Those whose true nature were forgotten can live here, forever untouched by the world, without law or death. 
Here there be monsters.

You're probably wondering to yourself- why am I starting a series about forgotten creatures with a dinosaur that everyone knows about?
I'll answer that with a question- how much do you really know about him?
Consider the following: creatures such as the tyrannosaurs grew to immense sizes that are unimaginable in today's terms. With dimensions measuring eighteen feet high, forty-five feet long, and a maximum weight of eight tons, it was certainly the largest carnivore in its environment- potentially even the planet at the time. The only other animal in existence it had to fear was its own- bite marks on major fossil finds could only have been made by teeth as thick as Tyrannosaur's.
Even the way it hunted sounds like something from a science-fiction novel. It's teeth were found to have been  infected by deadly bacteria, leftovers from the rotten flesh it most likely ate. Any bite that drew blood would infect the blood stream quickly. The prey would be dead in a matter of hours, whether from blood-loss, disablement from the 50,000-newton bite-force, or from the ferocious diseases it would get from the beast's teeth.
Perhaps the most frightening thing about this creature, though, would be sensory capabilities. With its head twenty feet off the ground, it could see for miles in the lowest of positions. Based off of this alone, it's very unlikely that its vision was based on movement- if anything, it was comparable to that of an eagle's or a hawk's. Even if it was blind, its over-sized nasal cavities and wide gap between nostrils means that it could pinpoint scents from miles away. What's more, scans of the brain cavities have shown massive growth in the cerebral cortex- the area associated with spatial reasoning and problem solving. Simply put- it was a social animal that hunted in packs at least on occasion. This, coupled with the fact that it could sprint at speeds of twenty or so miles per hour, it had the power and the wits to make anything it wanted its next meal.
Now how much do you know about the past?

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