Mountain Pheonix

I was up early this morning (try 6:30) and was able to watch the sunrise. It seemed like a good idea at the time to make a sunrise pic. Of course, as my blog is a science fiction and fantasy gallery, I needed something to give it some more awe and spectacule. The idea came into my head as "Birds are cool. I'll do a pheonix."
So, here in all its might and glory is the Montane Pheonix. It's much larger and more solitary than its variant the Egyptan Pheonix, as shown by itself here. Like chickens, the males have a natural tendency to crow as the sun rises, which causes wonder why they have been all but discovered before. They are most commonly found along the eastern Mediterranian coastline, but some reports claim to be as far south as Mount Kilimanjaro- not too big a challenge for something this big. It is mainly carnivorous, but will only hunt big game.
Rendered in Photoshop.


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