Sketchasaurs - Didelphodon

Another entry in the Sketchasaur style- the Mesozoic marsupial Didelphodon! Despite sharing an environment with heavyweights like T. rex, this critter thrived in the rivers of Hell Creek and was well-adapted to eating the shellfish there. Of course, as this youngster shows, it isn't something you get on the first try.
After the Maiasaura piece, I thought I'd try to do justice to the mammals of the age of the dinosaurs. I had only ever seen Didelphodon once in paleomedia before, and its depiction didn't match our understanding of the animal or its formation at all. Does that make this the new definitive depiction of this relatively obscure animal? Well, I wouldn't go that far. This was my first real attempt to animate a small mammal, and I was surprised at how radically different it was from big animals like dinosaurs and humans. I probably should have given myself more than eight hours to really fix the timing and smooth the motion out. Its face also turned out a little more fox-like than I imagined. Besides that, I think it turned out pretty well. Let me know what you think!

Rendered in Blender 4.2a


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