Wheja's Sketchbook - 3/3/2022


In a fantasy scenario, a wild Gigantoraptor battles a passing caravan for their food supply, with an unfortunate Styracosaurus of burden caught in the mix.

Diplodocus, one of the largest and most common sauropods of Late Jurassic America.

Tyrannosaurus rex. Robust morph.

An Achillobator demonstrates his powerful beak and claws in proper Raptor-Prey Restraint posture.

Leaellynasaurua packs on a winter coat as she prepares for the long, Antarctic winter night.

Megalosaurus, the first named dinosaur

Modern research now suggests that some large dinosaurs, like Camarasaurus, had heads covered in soft tissues that heavily distorted the silhouette of their otherwise gracile skeletons.

Thank you all for your patience during my unscheduled hiatus. I was definitely working hard on improving my craft and mental health, so just know that you can still expect the same great stuff in the future that you know this site for.
Just to smooth myself back into the process of posting regularly, here are some of the pieces I've been keeping myself busy with over the last few months.

Rendered in Graphite


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