Creature Cabal Winner! - Shard Plague Test


Halloween season is now officially over! We have finally gathered enough votes to make a confident decision on the winner of the poll. Thank you all for your patience and engagement during this time, and we look forward to seeing you all next year.

This year's victor was the Shard Plague submission.
This is probably the most unique winner we've ever had. While most are more solidly defined as actual animals, this is far more abstract as a symptom of a disease that creates monsters. So, with the possibility of having multiple characters with this condition, it seemed appropriate to use Blender's Geometry Nodes. I didn't know a whole lot going into this project, but the stream where we built the system was fun and eventually productive, as seen here. A full render may come out soon, so stay tuned for more news!

Rendered in Blender 3.0a


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