You guys aren't going to believe this!
I was recently commissioned for something really big (I'm still under NDA, so I can't give away too many details, but of course it involves dinosaurs.) and it seemed to convince a lot of people that I was worth investing in. That includes two individuals who are older than me with the same last name* who decided now was the time to upgrade all of my gear.

This new setup includes an iBuypower desktop with an 8-core i7 processor and a dedicated Nvidia Geforce video card, an ASUS ProArt monitor with 4k resolution and 100% color gamut, and a second monitor at 1080p and a 144hz refresh rate. The end result? We now have the power to make bigger, more fantastic products at a fraction of the time it took before. 
Take this render I was able to cook up last night:

This 4k render would have been impossible on my old laptop, taking days to even set up and potentially weeks to finalize. This was done all in a matter of hours, with the final render only taking 29 minutes!
Does this call off the Great Upgrade™?
Most likely not. We still have a long list of items that we'd like to incorporate into our business, and the money that would otherwise have been spent here can still go to a great cause. $2000 will be taken off the goal, and any money we earn above $5600 will be donated to a charity of your choice.
Also, to accommodate the higher quality of art we can now commit to, our commission prices have been slightly adjusted. 

This is going to be big. Art, Science, and Adventure have never been closer!

Rendered in Blender 2.9

*I love you, mom and dad!


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