Happy New Year - 2021

Well, it seems like as good a time as any to get this out there now that the last few countries and towns have carried on into 2021.
Last year was a mess, to be sure. I know that the joke of it being the worst year in history has been repeated to death on just about every social platform, but it has absolutely been a test for all of us. Many of us experienced the most hardship this year fiscally, politically, mentally, and even physically, and it pains me to think that many of us didn't make it out the other side. Even so, as many of you at the time of this posting are already upwards of 12 hours into the new year, we can't really blame a number for all of our problems. Many of the worst aspects were social issues that were sown long before the ball dropped last January. That means the solution is now with us to make it better. Now that the underlying issues in our societies and selves are more apparent than ever, we know better than ever what we can and must change. As long as you are going to be in the future, there is something you can do about it.
Don't give up on art, don't give up on science, and certainly don't give up on each other, because you can bet that I won't.

Rendered in Blender 2.8


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