Bataraan - Blender Master

Fun fact: previous Triceratops images on our site have been modeled after the species T. horridus, making this the first specimen of prorsus we've showcased.
This isn't necessarily starting anything new yet; this model hasn't been retopologized yet and was kind of a pain to render because of all the bad geometry. Even so, simply as a test of Blender's freestyle and grease pencil features, I liked being able to have control over all of the highlights of the piece without necessarily sacrificing the form the same way I would in photohsop (of course, that doesn't make that program any less useful- Blender still needs a few quality of life changes if artists want to do the same things at the same speed). It almost hearkens back to my earlier images before I cleaned everything up.
How does this look to you guys? What are some programs you've used to develop your style or process? Let us know in the comments below!

Rendered in Blender 2.8 Eevee, Background taken at Grand Teton National Park
Commission Value: $45 ($30 (Medium Character) x 1.5 (Shaded, colored render))


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