Happy Pi Day! - 2020 (also, big talk time)

I was originally going to create a whole long post about how cool the number pi is and how important it was to the founding of some of the most important monuments in human history (hence the pyramid).
But there's something a lot bigger going on, and even though you all know what it is, it still warrants discussion.
Lately, the world has been seeing the effects of a new strain of Coronavirus officially called COVID-19. It seems to have come with very little warning, and most governments are scrambling to find a cure and vaccine is soon as possible. In the meantime, day-to-day life has been changed pretty dramatically for all of us. Institutions have temporarily closed off their doors until the sickness passes, leaving many without employment for an unknown amount of time. I thought (rather naively) that we here at Th'Den Wheja could be an exception to the panic. I really do wish I could make this a place for entertainment and curiosity without ever bringing up some of the worst parts of life.
Unfortunately, that's just not the case. I have been searching for an occupation to help financially support this site alongside normal donations and purchases, but with all of these quarantines going up around us, it is certainly becoming more and more difficult for me and other artists and scientists to find any payment at all.
This doesn't mean we have given up on our goals of progress and rationality: far from it! We encourage all of our followers to support each other in any way you can. Commission, donate or buy items from the people you look up to (odds are, they're struggling through this as well), and don't be afraid to ask for it in return. After all, we are a community of optimism and hope. Away from the computer, please be respectful to others. Wash your hands often, limit hand contact with people who are elderly or immunocompromised, and stick to buying only reasonable amounts of toilet paper, and we'll all make it through this. I'm confident that the end of civilization is going to take more than this; we still have to have our dinosaur apocalypse, after all!

Keep a steady head. We'll get through this together.

Rendered in Blender 2.8 Eevee


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