Happy New Year! -2020

A new decade approaches, and with it a range of new possibilities.
This is going to be the year Th'Den Wheja Productions reaches for its true potential. I've been doing this for the better part of a decade, but the site never really seemed to garner the popularity I wanted it to. Most of that is down to me being afraid to invest in it further than a hobby, but that will be no more by the end of 2020! This year, we are making resolutions, and we are keeping them!
...I mean it this time.
By the end of 2020, Th'Den Wheja WILL;

  • Upgrade our equipment set using a combination of personal income and funds through the Great Upgrade™ donation pool. This includes;
    • A new computer with an i7 processor or above
    • Graphics tablet for more comfortable art processing
    • 4k monitor
    • Vr headset to open up new interactive development paths
    • and more!
  • Invest in more marketing, including ad campaigns, competitions, and updating ALL of our social media handles.

  • Filling in our backlog of Creature Cabal animations
  • Collaborating with other artists and scientists to make this site the ultimate hub for science and entertainment.
  • Cut back on the self-deprecating humor. I'm awesome!
That may not sound detailed at the moment, but we are going into the next decade with class! We'll be bringing you along and finally entering the universe that's waiting for us!
For art!
For Science!!

Rendered in Photoshop

...I really do mean it this time!


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