
10,000 CE
There has been a great deal of talk about the information singularity and what it means for us as a species. The computers we have developed have been growing more and more capable every year. Not only can they store millions of times more numbers than we can, but they are starting more and more to mimic more human-like qualities. They can play the same games we can with startling levels of proficiency, and we are teaching them to recognize items and icons in the real world. It is only a matter of time, then, when they start to become better at everything we can do and make us obsolete as a species.
It's a daunting thought, for certain, but far from hopeless. If anyone is saying that a computer that gains sentience will instantly try to destroy us, they must be afraid that the machine will be too much like them. No, certainly a mind created by the best of humanity will represent the best of humanity. I'd like to think we would create our own brothers or, even more exciting, a more perfect extension of ourselves. With them around, we could augment ourselves to do more physically, but also handle larger and larger ideas. In time, we could accomplish so much that everything that makes us human could fit into a small, interchangeable drive like this one, no bigger than your thumb.
You can still choose to react in fear, but I am still optimistic about how far we can go.

Rendered in Blender, edited in Photoshop


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