
We've really been at this for five years? In some ways, I suppose it feels right; with over four hundred and fifty posts, five short films, and three short games in the list, there certainly was a great deal accomplished. At the same time, though, it still feels like I'm still the fifteen-year-old kid with his parent's laptop just messing around in photoshop to pass the time. Still, we've covered almost all of space-time on this site, from the furthest reaches of space, to the subatomic realm, from the formation of the Earth to its very end, there's something to see about it here, and it's all thanks to your support as a fan base and my own insanity.
As a special treat, here's what we've been working on up here: a complete overhaul on Th'Den Wheja's model. The one we started on was nice, but it wasn't very well-articulated, and most of what we tried to do with him only ended up being nightmare fuel. Finally, I think we got one that's good enough to keep as the face of Th'Den Wheja Productions!
To art!
To science!
To adventure!

Rendered in Blender

P.S., what do you guys think of the minimalist logo? For now, it won't replace the current icons, but it does make a better watermark, wouldn't you say?


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