
Again, trying to make dinosaurs more relevant in pop culture in some way.
On a related note, I've been working for a while on what types of video game would work best for the animals. To do that, I first had to look back at the appeal behind paleontology. It really is a mystery unlike any other, looking at the fragments of a long-past ecosystem and putting them together in a clear, credible, and sometimes fantastic way. To that end, I can now see why I enjoyed the Myst games so much- there is a mystery to both of them that is left to us to figure out as an audience, and the reward for uncovering the slightest bit of information is incredibly enjoyable.
There is also the possibility of a metroidvania-class game. Named for games like "Super Metroid" and "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night", this is a name given by fans to exploration games, non-linear in a way that allows players to search their own path through the game, although some paths can only be opened up by accessing certain areas first. Again, this approach to game play can really be connected to the way any science works. To get a clear understanding of the world, some things like Bosons or Dakotaraptors need to be found. From there, any number of routes can be taken to find a universal truth.
Where was I again?
Oh, yeah. The Fibonacci curve!

Rendered in Photoshop


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