400th Post! - New Ad

Can I just start off by saying HOW BIG A NUMBER 400 IS!?
Maybe not as big as the thousands and millions that we show on this blog, but's still considerable. It's amazing to think how far we've gotten in four years. It may just be all the bots, or it may be the support I've gotten from my friends and family, but I'd like to thank whatever is comprising our fanbase for their dedication. As a reward of sorts, here's a little something to share with your friends!
*As a side note, I've been thinking about taking the sciences here more seriously. We'll still be posting regular paintings and reviews and such, but our articles will definitely be showing an increase of scientific content than normal. As much as we appreciate fantasy, we weren't lying in the above video when we said that we wouldn't find the meaning of life here any time soon. If you guys want something more to think about, then stay tuned!

Rendered in Blender 2.6, Anime Studio Debut, and Final Cut Pro.


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