Happy Birthday, Markiplier!

And make it.... wait, did I post a picture a day after the event it was intended for again!?

Okay, for those of you who don't know, MarkiplierGAME is a YouTube gaming channel that started only a few years ago and already has 8 million subscribers. I started following Mark's Twitter profile a while back, and this was the first year I saw him post about his birthday. However, due to a few crazy events such as family coming in to town, I didn't get to finish this until late this morning. Either way, he's a great guy and really funny (if you don't mind the strong language in a few of his horror game playthroughs, but he's getting better at it), and I'm still glad I subscribed.
Have a great day, yesterday, Mark!

Rendered in Blender 2.6, Edited in Photoshop, based on this animation of this video.

Wait, this is fan art? NOOOO!!!


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