White Death

Seriously, there are some areas where the Great White Shark is called "White Death."
Since I'm keeping up with my habit of accidentally missing Discovery's "Shark Week" this year, I thought I'd look at a few different pieces of Shark trivia for you guys. For Example:

  • The first shark species developed some 420 million years ago.
  • Sharks can have anywhere between five and seven sets of gills.
  • Sharks have a brain-size-to-body-mass ratio close to those of birds and mammals, and display similar curious behaviors.
  • The lineage of the Hammerhead Sharks only developed somewhere between forty and fifty million years ago.
  • Along with advanced smell and hearing, sharks also have a developed Lateral line to feel small vibrations as well as Ampullae of Lorenzini to feel bioelectric signals from surrounding organisms.
  • The Great White Shark can bite down with up to two tons of force.
  • It's estimated that the Arctic Greenland Shark can live up to 200 years.
  • The Great White belongs to the order Lamniformes, or Mackerel Sharks. This order also houses Goblin Sharks, Nurse Sharks, Tiger Sharks, Mako Sharks, Basking Sharks, and Megamouth Sharks.
  • Whale Sharks, under the order Orectolobiformes, are the largest living fish species on Earth.

The photo above was inspired by the BBC miniseries "Planet Earth" and their somewhat legendary capturing of Great Whites hunting seals off the coast of New Zealand. Yes, they do breach, and it reminds you that you have no idea what can be beautiful, including a flying shark.

Rendered in Photoshop.

  • The only living thing known to kill Great White Sharks are Orcas.


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