Permian-Triassic Extinction
If you haven't noticed by now, I've been experimenting with the 2:1 format instead of 1.2:1. Things might not be as tall, but it definitely lets you see more of the area around it. Detail scale works in a 2D artist's book.
Anyways, this is a scene that hasn't been viewed in over two-hundred and forty-five million years. In the desolation of northern Siberia, two Scutosaurs, over-sized tortoises if you will, have been separated from their herd. Now, they wander alone in a dreary volcanic wasteland. Their simple minds can only drive them to look for mates or food. Nothing can help them comprehend that they're slowly running out of ground. Molten rock seeps through the surface, exhausting the atmosphere with poisons. There is nowhere to find their food or shelter.
On the positive side, dinosaurs are coming in another ten million years!

Rendered in Photoshop


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