Miners of Meka

A while ago, I got to thinking how a world run by biomechanical organisms would be deemed hospitable by its inhabitants. The result looked something like this.
Welcome to Meka, realm of the Cybrokh. The Cybrokh are robotic life-forms, measuring about ten feet tall each. As they are mostly inorganic, they've ruled over the needs for such luxuries as water, food, medicine, and sunlight. The only thing they really need to worry about is maintaining themselves and building more. As such, the largest growing industry is that of mining. Those in the mines consider it a proud position to be in, an honor passed through thousands of generations. With their massive ships, they drill holes into their planet and its colonies, and the workers search the remains for any salvageable metals and minerals.
The odd bit is that they love every minute of it.

Rendered in Photoshop


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