Merlin's Dragons

Yet another old piece. Trust me, I'm working on new ones.
You have probably heard this bit of Arthurian legend. Concerning Merlin's childhood, an army of Welsh soldiers with red banners flying invaded a Saxon village and started construction for a castle on the highest hill they could find. (Really, THEY didn't start construction. They got the saxons to do it for them.) However, every day they'd come back to find the castle completely destroyed by an earthquake the night before. To find out what caused these tremors, they went to find the one who might know the most, who just happened to be Merlin.
After a bit of rough persuasion, Merlin tells them to dig into the hill. After digging for a certain amount of time, the hill caves in and what should burst forth but two titanic dragons, on red and one white. After a ferocious battle, the red dragon falls, defeated. The white one flies away and is never seen again. Merlin looks at this and interprets it as a sign that the Welsh with their red banners would eventually be defeated by the Saxons.
The story behind the drawing of this image is much less inspiring, I'll admit.

Rendered in Colored Pencil.


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